Coming soon to Danday Videos

Danday Podcast Ep50: Halloween Podcast (Halloween Special Part One) (30th Oct 09)
Danday Reviews: Zombie Apocolypse (Halloween Special Part Two) (Halloween 09)
Danday Reviews: Gran Turismo PSP (Nov 09)
Danday Reviews: Rhythm Paradise/Heaven (Nov 09)
Danday Podcast Ep??: On the Third Christmas Podcast... (20-24 Dec 09)
Danday Reviews: Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (TBC)

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Whip? Hat? Giant boluder? Oh, it's 2008...

Anyway, no more jibber jabber.
I am going to go see Indiana Jones 4 (I call it that) on Saturday.
Yes, I know it's late, but hey where there's a will, there's a way.
I'll be able to do my first ever movie review.
Just a couple of different things;
1) It will be shorter than usual , mainly because, if I explain the story, that will be SPOILING!
2) I won't have a case, since it's not on DVD yet.
3) Apart from that, it's no different.
So, prepare for the same amount of wit as usual.
See you soon, guys!
Marcus 'danday352'

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Where are the videos?

I'll tell you where! NOWHERE!
Anyho, the Vegas 2 Review IS coming, just be patient.
Anyway, no videos today, since I'm round my cousin's house
Why you might ask?
Because my mum and my sister (or It as I like to call her) are in London (to buy Heat magazine) and to watch this 'Lee Mead' person sing babble.
Anyway, see ya later peeps and peepets
Oh yeah, check out this video by The Admin featuring ME!
See ya
Marcus 'danday352'

Sunday, 18 May 2008

What time is it?

Not really of course.
Nope, it is my birthday! Hazza!
So what did I get?
So far I've got £55 and 12 months on Xbox Live.
So it's not what you'd call, Elton John's birthday money and presents, he could get £500,000 and 46 years Xbox Live, but anyway, here is the link for my birthday podcast and steviet7's birthday video for moi (me in english, you dumbass!)

Danday Podcast Ep28 (Birthday Podcast)

Danday352 (Marcus)(Yes, that's my really name!*) Birthday Video

* Not in the name of the video :P

Hope I get more money soon!
Marcus 'danday352'

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Top 5 most viewed videos by danday352

This list will include; the name of the video, the length, video launch date , the link and the number of views as of 13 May 2008

5th: Sonic Unleashed Review Trailer
1 min
8 May 2008

4th: Danday Reviews: Mario and Sonic DS
9 min 54 sec
12 February 2008

3rd: Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games DS - Archery
4 min 48 sec
21 February 2008

2nd: Danday Christmas Reviews: Sonic Rivals 2
8 min 41 sec
27 December 2007

And in first place...
With a massive for Danday standers, 415...
MY Top 10 Sonic games EVER!
24 January 2008

I will also put down they're place on the description.

Now how's my first video doing...
82 views... Pathetic!