Coming soon to Danday Videos

Danday Podcast Ep50: Halloween Podcast (Halloween Special Part One) (30th Oct 09)
Danday Reviews: Zombie Apocolypse (Halloween Special Part Two) (Halloween 09)
Danday Reviews: Gran Turismo PSP (Nov 09)
Danday Reviews: Rhythm Paradise/Heaven (Nov 09)
Danday Podcast Ep??: On the Third Christmas Podcast... (20-24 Dec 09)
Danday Reviews: Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (TBC)

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Sonic Unleashed Month

So, we are now T-minus..... 40 days away from Sonic Unleashed Month.
Just for those who forgot, here are the videos planed between 7th October-9th November and some info about them;
7th October: Sonic Unleashed Month Debut Video
Just showing the temporary intro for the videos.
October: Danday/Unleashed Timeline
A timeline based between the events of Sonic Unleashed and danday352. This may get pushed to November, but it's doubtful.
October or November: Taster Ep2: Sonic Unleashed
The second episode where I play Sonic Unleashed Demo. Unknown when it comes out, but when it does, the video will be out that day.
7th or 9th November: Danday Reviews: Sonic Unleashed
The big one! Is it worth waiting for? Was all of this worth-while? Or hyping up for an awful game? Find out soon!

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

About the up and coming series's's's's....

Many of you reading this are still scratching your head over the Coming Soon list on my channel.
Well, scratch no more (it'll start bleeding) because I will explain more!
This will be an informational section. For randomness, WAIT!
Disclaimers will be underneath all this
Firstly, one that's been up there for some time; DandayMobile

DandayMobile is a comedy series based on famous shows from the past and present.
In Episode 1, danday352 and guests will make parodies of Deal or No Deal, Olympics, Top Gear and Angry Video Game Nerd.

Next, Super Sonic Fan

Super Sonic Fan is a take on Nintendo Fanboy Room - EXPOSED by Awesome Sauce
This will feature the same concept and NFR but with Sonic merchandise instead of Nintendo.

Finally, a more recent one; Fear the Danday

Fear the Danday is another comedy show where danday352 takes the role of many people on Xbox Live. Common people though
In Episode 1, danday352 will take the roll of a Halo fan, saying stuff about the weapons and environments.
At the end, danday352 will say to everyone ''You've just been danday-ed!''

DandayMobile is a comedy show, created by Danday Videos.
Deal or No Deal is owned by Endemol and shown on Channel 4.
Top Gear is owned by the BBC
Angry Video Game Nerd is owned by Cinemassacre
Super Sonic Fan is a fan-made video, created by Danday Videos.
The Sonic the Hedgehog character and video games are owned by SEGA.
All other merchandise is owned by their owners (...)
Fear the Danday is a comedy show, created by Danday Videos.
These shows may contain violence, language and sexual scenes.
Children under the age of 13 should watch these shows with care.

Ahh, my hand!!!

New Sonic games verdict

So, my verdict on the new Sonic games:
Firstly, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood.
Now, you all might well know, I've played it and it's great.
The exploration is easy, a nice bunch of characters and the fighting is nice, if not needing some practice.
All in all, a great start for Sonic in the RPG era.

Next, Sonic and the Black Knight.
This sounds cool, like Zelda meets Sonic but with sword fighting, not wolf transformation. Being based in the King Arthur type of thing, is a great concept and Jun Senuoe doing the music again is brilliant. The new character? Well, she be annoying or not? No-one knows!

Finally and I wouldn't forget this, Sonic Unleashed.
This is looking, not to be the best Sonic game ever. No, the best game ever. The graphics on PS3 and 360 rival all the games on those platforms. PS2 same, Wii? Damn you to hell, Mario! The wolf sections look outstanding. Also, the fact that Dimps (Sonic Rush) are doing the daytime sections and Sonic Team are doing the nightime sections, this is looking perfect.
Gripes? None. I've never been so hyped up for a game.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Wanna play Xbox Live?

This is my gamertag for Xbox Live
Invite me to the following;
Halo 3, GTA 4, Forza 2, Sonic 2, GRID and much more!
Marcus 'danday352'