Coming soon to Danday Videos

Danday Podcast Ep50: Halloween Podcast (Halloween Special Part One) (30th Oct 09)
Danday Reviews: Zombie Apocolypse (Halloween Special Part Two) (Halloween 09)
Danday Reviews: Gran Turismo PSP (Nov 09)
Danday Reviews: Rhythm Paradise/Heaven (Nov 09)
Danday Podcast Ep??: On the Third Christmas Podcast... (20-24 Dec 09)
Danday Reviews: Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (TBC)

Monday, 23 February 2009

After a couple of weeks...

Man, I haven't updated the blog in a while. Damn you, Twitter!
Well, at least I can put more characters here than in Twitter.
Anywho, I have a brand new Twitter and YouTube background, thanks to the Admin. He wins a pat on the back.
Also, no more EyeToy problems! Which means.... NEW VIDEOS SOON! :D
Expect podcasts, reviews and Danday Live! on Ustream.
Also, I have got an idea for a new series. Sonic Instructions Reading.
Sounds dull, on paper, but it has me reading the Sonic the Hedgehog manuals! The first one'll be Sonic the Hedgehog 1, then 2, then CD. And so on.
So, yeah.
Also, 'I'm back at school! Horray(!) I was being sarcastic'
Ugh, those were my quotes. Fucking hell.
But, yeah, school FTL.
So, don't lose faith in me, again, 'I'm still making videos!'
MORE quotes? Good god...
But yeah, expect the 40th podcast and a re-do of the Rush Adventure review!
See you all soon! (And hope Mr Scrub gets better)
Marcus 'danday352'

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